Safety Recommendations for Workers Handling Human Remains

Are you aware that OSHA has a fact sheet on health and safety recommendations for workers who handle or work near human remains? It’s true! Workers directly involved in recovery or other efforts that require handling of human remains are susceptible to bloodborne viruses such as hepatitis, HIV, and bacteria that cause diarrheal diseases such as shigella and salmonella.

General precautions include:

  • Hand Protection - Use latex or nitrile gloves. Heavy-duty gloves can be worn over the latex or nitrile and can protect the wearer from cuts or other injuries that can cut the skin from sharp objects or even bone fragments.

  • Foot Protection - Footwear should also protect against sharp objects.

  • Eye & Face Protection - Wear a combination of safety glasses under a face shield. Don’t forget a surgical mask! This will help protect the face and eyes from splashes from bodily fluids or fecal material.

  • Practice Good Hygiene - Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after removing your gloves. Workers should be vaccinated against Hepatitis B.

  • Ergonomic Considerations - Use a team lift with proper lifting techniques to carry human remains to reduce the potential from injury. Use mechanical lifts when available.

    Click here to read this interesting fact sheet from OSHA & share it with a mortician to keep them safe while performing their job.

Brandy Zadoorian, CSP

Brandy Zadoorian is a CSP and Triangle Safety Consulting LLC's Owner and Principal Consultant.


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