1910.136 Foot Protection The Cinderella Transformation for Your Feet

Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night without turning on the lights and stubbing your toe? Hurts, doesn’t it? Imagine working in a manufacturing plant and losing a toe! That’s exactly why standard 1910.136 is so important, because keeping your feet safe isn’t a magic act, it’s preparing ahead by wearing the right shoes and your feet ready for dancing at the ball at the end of the workday.

At Triangle Safety Consulting LLC, we're not just consultants - we’re like your Fairy Godmother: your dedicated safety partners. We’re here to help breakdown OSHA’s foot protection standard to keep your team protected from head to toe.

Overview of 1910.136 – Foot Protection:

  • Standard 1910.136 covers foot protection requirements in workplaces

  • Employers must ensure employees use protective footwear in areas with risks of foot injuries from falling or rolling objects, objects piercing the sole, or electrical hazards.

  • Footwear must comply with specific ASTM or ANSI standards

  • Employers can use alternative footwear if it's demonstrated to be equally effective

No one should have to worry about losing any toes or foot pain due to a workplace injury! Equipt yourself and your employees with the proper footwear for the tasks they are performing.

Need assistance understanding if your employees need foot protection? Contact us today!

This blog was written by Brandy Zadoorian, CSP, and Triangle Safety Consulting LLC's Owner and Principal Consultant.

She offers audits, expertise, resources, and guidance to help small to medium-sized manufacturing facilities improve their safety program, including compliance with OSHA Requirements.

She is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) under the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.

Brandy Zadoorian, CSP

Brandy Zadoorian is a CSP and Triangle Safety Consulting LLC's Owner and Principal Consultant.


1910.137 – Electrical Protective Equipment: Watt’s up with that gear?!


1910.135 – Head Protection: Get Your Head in the Game