1910.137 – Electrical Protective Equipment: Watt’s up with that gear?!
Electrical Protective Equipment (EPE) isn't just a shield—it's the superpower workers need to face electrical hazards head-on. With gloves, sleeves, blankets, and covers designed to meet strict OSHA standards like 1910.137, EPE provides superhero-level protection. We're talking about high-voltage gloves that can withstand up to 40,000 volts and blankets that insulate against deadly shocks. EPE is the real power source keeping our workplace heroes safe from harm.
Electrical hazards in the workplace can zap you without warning. That’s why it’s super important to keep EPE well-maintained and tested.
Benefits of the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) Credentials
There are many benefits to receiving the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) certification in the health and safety profession. You will learn the benefits of the CSP credentials, what to study to pass the CSP, what education and work experience is required, how much money the CSP exam costs, and if the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) Credentials are worth it.