Do I Need to Report My 300A Form to OSHA Electronically?
Some establishments are required to submit their Form 300A Summary data to OSHA electronically. Do you know if you need to submit it? Use the information below to find out. If you do need to report, it’s due March 2nd!
Do I need to report my 300A Summary Form Electronically to OSHA?
For states under Federal OSHA, establishments that meet any of the following criteria DO NOT have to report their 300A Form to OSHA electronically.
1. The establishment's highest employment during the previous calendar year was 19 or fewer, regardless of the establishment's industry.
2. The establishment's industry is on Appendix A to Subpart B of OSHA’s recordkeeping regulation, regardless of the size of the establishment.
3. The establishment had the highest employment between 20 and 249 employees during the previous calendar year, AND the establishment's industry is NOT on Appendix A to Subpart E of OSHA’s recordkeeping regulation.
Evaluate if your facility meets any of the following criteria above, one at a time, to make the process easier to digest. If your location meets any criteria, you DO NOT need to report electronically. After assessing if you need to report, document WHY you decided to report or not to keep for your records. This will help you next year when you need to go through this process again.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The criteria above apply at the establishment level, not to the entire company!
If I am under a State OSHA plan, do I have to submit my OSHA 300A Form?
Establishments under an OSHA State Plan should directly contact their state OSHA office. Or, if you go to your state OSHA’s website, they should have more information on if you need to submit or not.
When is the 300A Form due to OSHA?
Establishments must submit the required information by March 2nd of the year after the year covered by the forms (for example, by March 2, 2023, for the forms covering the calendar year 2022). If the submission due date of March 2 has passed, establishments that meet the reporting requirements and failed to do so must still report their Form 300A data through the Injury Traacking Application and can do so until December 31.
Wait, What is the OSHA 300A Summary Form?
If you're required to keep recordable injury and illness records, you must also complete and post your OSHA Form 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses. This blog will tell you everything you need to know about the OSHA Form 300A Summary. Check out the blog!
Ok, so I have to report. How do I report my OSHA 300A data electronically?
We created a blog to help you submit your OSHA 300A form electronically! Check it out here.
I am still unsure if I need to report my OSHA 300A form. What do I do?
I can help you assess your facility to identify if you need to report your OSHA 300A form electronically. Fill out the contact form below, and I will get back to you!
This blog was written by Brandy Bossle Zadoorian, CSP, and Triangle Safety Consulting LLC's Owner and Principal Consultant.
She offers audits, expertise, resources, and guidance to help small to medium-sized manufacturing facilities improve their safety program, including compliance with OSHA Requirements.
She is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) under the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.